Occupational Licensing Policy
Occupational Licensing Policy // Webinars
These workforce products were funded by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. These products were created by the recipients and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. The Department of Labor makes no guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect to such information, including any information on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership. This product is copyrighted by the institutions that created them.
Credential Mobility and Transparency
April 11, 2022
Obtaining a professional license can be confusing. Differences among professional licensing laws across states create barriers for those looking to obtain a license as well as for professionals relocating across state lines. Differences in education, training and license requirements can be difficult to navigate. During this webinar, representatives from Credential Engine and the National Skills Coalition discuss credential transparency and strategies to make the process of obtaining a professional license clear, efficient and inclusive.
2021 Survey of Universal License Recognition Laws
December 16, 2021
Since 2019, states across the U.S. have been implementing Universal Licensing Recognition (ULR) policies that generally allow the approval of a professional certification approved in another state. This recent trend in licensing policy is intended to reduce barriers to mobility for workers in a licensed profession. However, navigating the process of implementation can be complicated. Lessons learned from states that have enacted a ULR policy can a valuable asset for legislators considering the passage of this type of law and licensing administrators working on implementation. This webinar will present lessons learned from the 2021 Survey of Universal License Recognition Laws, as well as important components of the laws, including the relationship between ULR policies and existing interstate licensing compacts. To view the report, visit: https://licensing.csg.org/publications.
Compacts in Action: Physicians & Physician Assistants
December 8, 2021
In this hour-long webinar, the director of the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact and a sponsor of the Physician Assistant Licensure Compact (in development) discuss how these compacts can address health care license portability issues in your state.
Interstate Compacts 101
November 1, 2021
This webinar traces the history and legal basis for interstate compacts from the resolution of border disputes between states under the Articles of Confederation through the present day, in which over 250 interstate compacts address dozens of policy issues affecting states. Particular attention is given to occupational licensure interstate compacts, which have grown in importance in recent years.
Compacts in Action: Occupational Therapy, Audiology & SLP
September 29, 2021
In this hourlong webinar, sponsors of the Occupational Therapy Licensure Compact and the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Interstate Compact discuss the structure, function and current status of these two interstate agreements and answer questions from the audience.
- Click here for more information on the Occupational Therapy Licensure Compact.
- Click here for more information on the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Interstate Compact.
Compacts in Action: Psychology & EMS
September 1, 2021
Hosted by the CSG National Center for Interstate Compacts, this hour-long webinar is an opportunity to learn from administrators of the Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact (PSYPACT) and the EMS Compact as they explain the structure, function and current status of their respective compacts.
- Click here for more information on PsyPact.
- Click here for more information on the EMS Compact.
Apprenticeships: A Pathway to Licensure
August 17, 2021
Apprenticeships facilitate on-the-job training for future practitioners of a trade or profession and can lower barriers to occupational licensure for disproportionately affected populations by providing opportunities to attain experience and education required for licensure. These “earn while you learn” programs have historically been utilized in skilled trades but are becoming more available for in-demand fields like tech, healthcare and education. Several states, including Maine and Vermont, have begun promoting apprenticeship programs for professions with workforce shortages and offering tax incentives to employers who hire apprentices. In this webinar, we will discuss how apprenticeships can aid in workforce development and occupational licensure, as well as how states in the East are developing apprenticeship programs using lessons learned in the U.S. and abroad.
This webinar was produced as a session for the CSG East 2021 Annual Meeting.
Compacts in Action: Nursing & Physical Therapy
July 28, 2021
In this webinar, the administrators of the Nurse Licensure Compact and Physical Therapy Compact give presentations on the structure, benefits, and current status of their respective Compacts.
- Click here for more information on the Nurse Licensure Compact.
- Click here for more information on the PT Compact.
VALLO: An Education-Focused Model Towards Veteran Employment
June 30, 2021
Upon returning to the civilian side, military veterans face a bevy of barriers to rejoining the workforce. Many of these barriers exist because veterans are too rarely given credit toward occupational licensure for the education, experience, and training gained during their term of military service. The VALLO (Veterans Accelerated Learning for Licensed Occupations) Program aims to build expedited pathways for veterans to receive such credit and more rapidly reenter the civilian workforce, providing a financial boon to their families and their communities. This program, funded by the U.S. Department of Labor and operated by Ivy Tech Community College, focuses on education-based pathways for veterans to earn degrees and certifications. Join speakers from Ivy Tech Community College, The Council of State Governments, the Indiana Lieutenant Governor’s Office, and the Midwestern Higher Education Compact to discuss issues and solutions around veteran licensure and employment.
Regulatory Implications of North Carolina State Board of Dental Examiners v. FTC
June 28, 2021
In the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in North Carolina State Board of Dental Examiners v. Federal Trade Commission (2015), a determination was made about the scope of anti-trust laws. The Supreme Court ruled that occupational licensing boards are immune from state anti-trust laws as long as the board is actively supervised by the state and the majority of board members are practicing professionals. This ruling has important implications for occupational licensing boards across the country. In this webinar, The Federation of Associations of Regulatory Boards (FARB) and the Council on Licensure, Enforcement and Regulation (CLEAR) will present information on North Carolina Board of Dental Examiners v. Federal Trade Commission, how it might affect state licensing boards, and strategies to insulate state licensing bodies from antitrust litigation.
Teacher Licensure: Building Lasting Solutions
December 10, 2020
Part IV of the Teacher Licensure Webinar Series, a four-part series examining the benefits and challenges of the current system of interstate license reciprocity for teachers and considering potential pathways to true reciprocity for the teaching profession. Also part of CSG’s 2020 National Conference Reimagined.
This fourth and final webinar in the Teacher Licensure Series explores best practices for states in building resilient models of teacher licensure tp attract and retain highly qualified educators while allowing for interstate mobility. Speakers share research on current state models of licensure, their strengths and weaknesses and how they permit or impede interstate mobility. Speakers explore how an interstate compact for teacher licensure can help states attract and retain talent, combat teacher shortages, leverage talent from other states and provide greater interstate mobility for teachers. A lengthy Q&A session follows the panelists’ presentations.
Teacher Licensure: Interstate Compacts – Lessons from Other Professions
November 17, 2020
Part III of the Teacher Licensure Webinar Series, a four-part series examining the benefits and challenges of the current system of interstate license reciprocity for teachers and considering potential pathways to true reciprocity for the teaching profession. Also part of CSG’s 2020 National Conference Reimagined.
Currently, seven professions utilize interstate compacts to provide license portability for their practitioners. Each interstate compact was uniquely developed to the fit needs of that profession. However, lessons can be learned from these professions that will benefit teachers as the education community explores options for developing true reciprocity. Hear from administrators of the Physical Therapy Compact and Interstate Medical Licensure Compact as they explain how their compacts work and highlight the different models of license reciprocity that could be utilized by the education profession.
Teacher Licensure: Barriers and Challenges to Teacher Mobility
October 19, 2020
Part II of the Teacher Licensure Webinar Series, a four-part series examining the benefits and challenges of the current system of interstate license reciprocity for teachers and considering potential pathways to true reciprocity for the teaching profession.
This webinar takes a closer look at obstacles to interstate mobility for teachers. Content includes an overview of the Education Commission of the States report, “50 State Comparison: Teacher License Reciprocity,” as well as a panel discussion featuring teacher licensure officials from California, Illinois, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Oklahoma, and Tennessee, who provide context to the challenges to mobility in their respective states.
Teacher Licensure: The Urgency of Interstate Portability
September 17, 2020
Part I of the Teacher Licensure Webinar Series, a four-part series examining the benefits and challenges of the current system of interstate license reciprocity for teachers and considering potential pathways to true reciprocity for the teaching profession.
This webinar serves as an introduction to the world of teacher licensure. Our panel explains the philosophical and practical reasons for teacher licensure, highlights the difficulties teachers face in moving from state to state, and formally announces our multilateral effort to create an interstate licensure compact for the teaching profession to ease these difficulties. Panelists include Linda Darling-Hammond, President/CEO of the Learning Policy Institute, and Syd Dickson, Utah State Superintendent of Public Instruction, among other experts and stakeholders.
Navigating the Anti Regulatory Environment and the Responsibility and Liability of Board Members
April 24, 2019
Licensing boards are facing national anti-regulatory sentiments, national active supervision, and curative measures responsive to the Federal Trade Commission v. North Carolina Dental Board Supreme Court Decision. This webinar provides a survey of these developments and reviews best practices for licensing boards in the handling of meetings, rulemaking, complaints, investigations, hearings and settlements, and communications with applicants and licensees. A discussion on interstate compacts and how to better manage scope or practice conflicts with informal procedures, memorandum of understanding, and potential judicial alternatives is also included in the webinar. These lessons enable licensing boards to gain an understanding of best practices to avoid antitrust liability in the occupational licensure setting.
Occupational Licensure Technical Assistance Available to States
July 19, 2017
The Council of State Governments has announced a new technical assistance project called Occupational Licensing: Assessing State Policy and Practice for state leaders. Through this policy learning consortium, selected states will receive assistance to improve their understanding of occupational licensure issues and best practices; identify current policies that create unnecessary barriers to labor market entry; and create an action plan that focuses on removing barriers to labor market entry and improves portability and reciprocity for select occupations. Technical assistance will be provided through a partnership of The Council of State Governments, the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and the National Conference of State Legislatures, with support from the U.S. Department of Labor. To apply, please see the request for applications linked here. The deadline for submitting applications is Monday, Aug. 21 by 5 p.m. ET. Only one application can be submitted per state, which necessitates that state officials coordinate to provide a single application.
Addressing Barriers to Licensing for People with Criminal Records
August 10, 2018
Finding and maintaining employment is a critical aspect of preventing recidivism among people who have criminal records. But having a criminal record can make it difficult, or even impossible, for a person to find work, especially in a field that requires an occupational license. This webinar discusses some of the barriers to occupational licensing that people who have criminal records face. Presenters share best practices and policy options for policymakers to help address these barriers.
Chidi Umez, Project Manager, The CSG Justice Center
Beth Avery, Staff Attorney, National Employment Law Project
Lee McGrath, Senior Legislative Counsel, Institute for Justice
These workforce products were funded by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. These products were created by the recipients and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. The Department of Labor makes no guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect to such information, including any information on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership. This product is copyrighted by the institutions that created them.