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Interstate Compact on Mentally Disordered Offenders

Aims to improve the care and treatment of mentally disordered offenders and by joining the compact, the compacting states agree to strengthen their own programs and laws for the care and treatment of the mentally disordered offender, encourage and provide for such care and treatment in the most appropriate locations, giving due recognition to the need to achieve adequacy of diagnosis, care, treatment, after-care and auxiliary services and facilities and, to every extent practicable, to do so in geographic locations convenient for providing a therapeutic environment, authorize cooperation among the party states in providing services and facilities when it is found that cooperative programs can be more effective and efficient than programs separately pursued, place each mentally disordered offender in a legal status which will facilitate his care, treatment and rehabilitation, authorize research and training of personnel on a cooperative basis, in order to improve the quality or quantity of personnel available for the proper staffing of programs, services and facilities for mentally disordered offenders, and care for and treat mentally disordered offenders under conditions which will improve the public safety.

Tags: Healthcare
Full Text PDF: PDF Available
StateYear of Joinder
New Hampshire1969
New Mexico1967
North Dakota1967
West Virginia1970